MULTI-PASTE (this feature is disabled in 4.4.2, but hopefully will return) In the Clip Extender chapter we learned how to paste any one clip from the Clip Extender using either the keyboard shortcuts, the Edit menu, or the Clip Extender Palette. Multi-Paste is a CopyPaste feature that saves keystrokes when you need to paste one clip after another from the Clip Extender. To use the Multi-Paste feature, position the cursor, then press and hold down the command+v keys and type one number after another. For example, ‘⌘+ V + 1 + 2 +3…’. Doing so will paste the clips from the Clip Extender clipboards in any desired order. You can also easily paste in multiple copies of the clip stored in clipboard 0. Position the cursor, then press and hold down the command key and hit the “v” key as many times as desired. For example, ‘⌘ + v + v + v...’. LIFO-PASTE In the Clip Recorder chapter we learned how to paste any one clip from the Clip Recorder using either the “Edit -> Paste -> Clip Recorder” Menu or the Clip Recorder Palette. LIFO-Paste is a CopyPaste feature that lets you paste one clip after another from the Clip Recorder in LIFO order (Last In First Out), plus save keystrokes when doing so. The first time you use the Multi-Paste feature it is instructive to “show” theClip Recorder Palette. Click in the zoom box so it stays open, and stretch its window all the way down so you can see how this feature works. Position the cursor, then type ‘Option + ⌘ + V’. The clip most recently stored in the Clip Recorder (clip 0, at the top of the stack) will be pasted. Immediately, the pasted clip is moved to the bottom of the stack and the rest of the clips move up. What was the second clip is now at the top of the stack, ready to be pasted the next time you type ‘Option + ⌘ + V’. To save keystrokes with the Multi-Paste feature, position the cursor, then press and hold down the option+command keys and type “v” over and over. For example, ‘Option + ⌘+ V + V + V + V…’. Doing so will paste all the clips from the Clip Recorder and rotate the whole stack.